Using a suite of pre-hire screening assessment tools we bring objective data into the very subjective hiring process. This helps companies hire the right person for the job and ensure great job success and satisfaction for their future employees.
Secret sauce:
Is an EQ (Emotional Quotient) development program for individuals or teams designed to raise the level of awareness, understanding, acceptance and kindness towards self and others. EQ is the foundation of communication, team building and leadership.
Secret sauce:
LEAP is an intrinsically focused leadership development program for individuals or teams. LEAP is a powerful and effective program that equips participants to unlock their full potential by leading themselves well and inspiring others to follow. This is not just another training program that focuses on the training of extrinsic skills and knowledge. LEAP is a development program that focuses on the intrinsic elements that either hold people back or enable them to actualize their full potential and sing the song they were created to sing.
Secret sauce:
Contact us for details on programs tailored to your specific needs.